Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cabin Trip 2014: Graham Ware

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I decided it was time to take a trip up north - the weather was cold (for Arizona anyway) but had a great time to get away and relax.  There is something about being in the wilderness that brings such peace to my soul.  I did a lot of self evaluating, self meditating and came to peace with a lot of great things I have going in my life, as well as a few who have lashed out.  I am reminded of a bible verse Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  With the countless church events and charity work I have done, my family has always raised me to give to others and trust in Gods plan.  I have seen the best in people and the worst.  But I have been reminded that others will not deter my motivation and the gifts God has blessed me with.  

Graham Ware
Cigars and Cocktails on the creek

Graham Ware
Gorgeous Trail

Graham Ware climbing
Some fun climbs

Cabin Creek Frozen
Frozen Creek

Graham Ware beers
Best Time To Grab a Cold One

Graham Ware chilling

About the Author: Graham Ware is a recognized #SEO expert with over 5 years of digital marketing experience. Naturally this article is connected to Grahams Google+ profile. It also links to Twitter but that has nothing to do with authorship.

Smoking Cigars

Smoking Cigars
Smoking Cigars

With Friends

With Friends
Graham Ware & Friends

Political Fundraisers

Political Fundraisers
Graham Ware at a political fundraiser